Strategic planning is a process in which the most important priorities are determined by defining strategic directions, goals, measures and projects and based on the available funds, the necessary funds for the realization of the priorities are determined through the budget process.
Strategies are set in order to achieve the long-term vision of the municipality. In fact, it is a process that is continuous and is renewed for a certain period, always in accordance with taking into account all internal and external influences in and in the municipality.
The Target Communications team was in charge of developing a strategy for economic development of the municipality of Kislela Voda for the period from 2019 to 2022.
The purpose of this document is to define the strategy for economic development of the Municipality of Kisela Voda. It will support the decision makers in the municipality in their work in order to successfully manage the economic development of the municipality. Also, according to the priorities, it will direct the municipal resources towards improving the level of economic activity in the municipality, employment, living standard and welfare of the citizens.
In order to prepare quality research, workshops were organized to define strategic directions, goals and measures for new development strategies, the possibilities for fulfilling them and defining long-term and short-term goals were defined, resulting in the final version with a detailed economic development plan. the municipality of Kisela Voda.